Brads Famous Macaroni Salad
Everyone has there favorite macaroni salad recipe, and here is mine. Even though you can toss this salad together real fast you still need the time for it to blend together. So if you can plan ahead, for some reason it always taste so much better the second day
- 1 cup Small shell noodles
- 3 eggs hard boiled
- 1 Carrot
- 1 stock celery
- ¼ cup onion diced
- 2 teaspoons yellow mustard
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
- ¼ can Water chestnuts chopped
- 2 table spoons Dill pickle relish
- Black pepper to taste
Cook noodles to the instructions from the noodle package
Cool noodle to stop the cooking
While the noodles are cooking gather all the rest of the ingredients and prep them to be added when the noodles are cool
Mix all the components together except the eggs in a sealable container or bowl.
After mixing place in the refrigerator let sit for 8 hours
After the resting period take the salad out and check the moisture content, you may need to add a little more mayo and mustard. Dice two of the eggs and mix into the salad
Slice the third egg and place on top
Sprinkle a little smoked paprika for color

All the ingredients mixed together but not the eggs yet.